Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gayle Marks


Unless we stop the foolishness

 And guard our kids 

Was the life of Gayle Marks a waste?  Let us hope not.  What seems to be a waste at this time is the tax payers money.  Since my daughter has been missing for almost 25 years many may not know her story, but you can read it if you click on her name above.  Back in 1988 I hadn't heard about the "Speed Freak Killers",  didn't know a thing about Phillip Martin, Susan Bender, or any of the other numerous victims that were and would become waste to Wesley Shermantine and Loren Herzog.  Over the 25 years I have discovered that this town of Stockton is full of people who don't care, are too busy, have better things to do and to put it quite simply as long as it doesn't concern them they just don't give a damn.  They are full of apathy. Stockton was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy, San Joaquin County has it's financial problems and we all know the State of California has it's financial woes.  What a hell of a pickle we have gotten ourselves into. 
         Shermantine has decided for whatever demented reason he may have that he is going to reveal the  
         burial sites of some of his victims.  At the news of this Herzog promptly hung himself.  Which in my   .
         opinion makes me think he had something to hide. And as an added bonus saved taxpayers some
         money.  With Shermantines maps and directions bodies were found, the journey ended for some          
         families.  At some point the Sheriff decided that they needed a backhoe to get to the bottom of
         the well for the rest of the bodies.  Well this use of the backhoe managed to break any bones
         into over 1,000 pieces.  Some of these bodies had been there for 20+ years and were very fragile. 
         The time and the money all at the taxpayers expense to DNA test the bone so they could identify these
         poor victims would take a very long time and cost a lot of money.  As it was they ended up returning
         what a family thought was their sister and daughter only to discover there were other victims 
         co-mingled with theirs.

         All of these mistakes, and stupid decisions,  are going to cost the taxpayers of San Joaquin County,  
         and the State plenty of the apathetic taxpayers money.  Money that they will moan and groan and
         complain about and be up in arms over the unfairness of it all.

         Well let me tell you right now that if you would all read the news, watch the news or listen to the news
         and see how the government is wasting the money and speak up and make phone calls and write
         letters, maybe, just maybe the damn government will sit down for a minute and really discuss the
         problem instead of playing spin the bottle with our money and manage to get a job done as important
         as this one and as delicate as this one with the least amount of money.  It has been estimated that
         there are over 30 bodies to be discovered, my daughters being one, if WE let them continue in this 
         manner the lives of all of the poor souls who lost their lives to those horrific cruel animals will not be a 

    We can't afford to waste tax money and we

   sure as hell can't afford to lose our children! 

More coming tomorrow.  In the meantime, pray for the victims of the Speed Freak Killers that they are 
recovered soon.


    Phillip Martin     1  Ruth Leamon
  Michaela Garecht                   1  Sylvia Standly
3  Susan Bender                     1  Michael Madden